A business strategy without a team has already failed

A business strategy without a team has already failed An Olympic soccer coach could develop an amazing, record-breaking game strategy. However, if they don’t have a team to execute it, then there is no possibility of winning and the strategy becomes useless. The same goes for any business strategy, idea, or plan. That’s why we […]

Bringing your life mottos into the workplace

Do you have a life motto that drives you? Tell me about it in the comments! But first, let me share with you the mottos I live by, both in my personal and work life. The mottos I bring into Pierlite reflect our mission, vision, and values. By interweaving my life mottos into our workplace, […]

My imperfections help me soar to new heights and be the best version of myself

Like many children out there, when I was younger, I dreamt of being Superman. After all, he can fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, and seems unbreakable – who wouldn’t want to be the perfect Superman we all know and love? Well… I don’t. Not anymore.  Despite idolising Superman as a kid, I’ve since learned […]

How to light the way for your team through uncertainty

How to light the way for your team through uncertainty  Every business is faced with uncertainty throughout its lifetime. From financial insecurity to an unexpected global pandemic, there’s no avoiding uncertainty as a business. At Pierlite, we are no strangers to uncertainty; just recently, we underwent an exciting acquisition that has put the company through […]